Tag Archive for: SEO

If you’re using WordPress and WooCommerce to power your online store, customising “Add to Cart” functionality can greatly enhance the user experience and streamline the checkout flow. As a marketing consultant who specialises in WordPress website and WooCommerce stores, I have found myself ‘googling’ the term “Custom Add to Cart URLs” more times than I can count. It’s a fantastic feature that I frequently use in my own businesses, as well as on my clients’ websites.

That’s why I wanted to share it on the Done Digital blog and provide you with a simple but comprehensive guide to custom add to cart links. I’ll walk you through the exact process of creating your custom WooCommerce links and buttons that you can customise to suit your specific needs and use case cases. Whether you’re dealing with simple products, variable products, or grouped products, these custom links allow you to effortlessly add products to the cart, redirect customers to specific pages, and even set custom quantities—all using simple URLs.

While there are many use cases for custom URLs inn various contexts, in this article, I’ll just focus on custom add-to-cart URLs for your WooCommerce store. So, let’s dive right in!

Where to Find Product IDs in WooCommerce

In order to create your custom URLs, you’ll need the unique product IDs of the products you want to include in the link. Here’s where to easily locate your product IDs in WooCommerce.

How to locate product IDs in WooCommerce to create custom add to cart URLs for your online store - Done Digital

Adding Simple Products to Cart with Custom WooCommerce Links

With simple products, adding them to the cart via a custom URL is a breeze. Here’s how to generate the URLs and specify quantities. Whether you want to redirect customers to the cart, checkout, or any other page, you’ll have full control over the customer journey.

Let’s look at some practical examples:

Custom URL to Add a Simple Product to Cart

This is great if you want to place a simple add-to-cart button or link anywhere on your website:


URL to Add 2 of the Same Simple Products to Cart

You can change the quantity add the end of your URL to control how many items of that same product are added to the cart:


Add a Simple Product to Cart and Send the User Directly to The Cart Page

In some instances, you might want to send the user to the cart page after the product is added. Here’s how to do just that:


Send the User Directly to Checkout After Adding a Simple Product to Cart

This is probably the custom URL I personally use the most. This is great if you want to make sales from a landing page or any other page for that matter. By having users land straight on the checkout page after clicking the “Buy Now” button, you eliminate all friction and increase your conversion rates. Here’s how to build your custom URL:


Redirect to Any Page After Adding a Simple Product to The Cart

You can further customise the above example and send users to any specific page after adding a product to their cart. This could be to up-sell items, have them register an account or to collect other important information before sending them to checkout.


The above examples of custom WooCommerce URLs allow for incredible flexibility when it comes to designing your online buying journey and I have personally used them on many of my clients’ websites.

How to Add Variable Products to Cart Using Custom WooCommerce URLs

Variable products may have different variations, but they function in the same way simple products do. What’s important is that you use the correct product ID. In the case of variable products, we will be using the ID of the product variation, rather than the product itself. This allows you to craft custom URLs that add the desired product variation to the cart without having to navigate to the product page.

Just like in the examples above, you can still set quantities and redirect customers to different pages based on your desired outcome and customer journey.

Once again, we’ll use some practical examples that will make it easier to adapt these custom links to your website:

Add One Variable Product to Cart


Add 2 or More of The Same Variable Product to Cart


Change the quantity at the end of the URL to suit your needs.

Add One Variable Product to Cart & Redirect to Cart Page


Add One Variable Product to Cart & Redirect to Checkout Page


Add One Variable Product to Cart & Redirect to Any Page



If you are using variable products on your websites, these custom URLs can come in handy in streamlining your checkout process and enhancing the user experience. Depending on the WordPress theme you use, the generic product pages can be lacking quite a bit. These custom WooCommerce product links allow you to design your sales page exactly the way you want and send buyers directly to the checkout page.

Adding Grouped Products to Cart Using Custom Add-To-Cart URLs in WooCommerce

Next, let’s look at how to add grouped products to the cart, along with specific quantities for each sub-product. This feature allows you to create custom bundles and offer flexible purchasing options to your customers.

Add a Grouped Product to Cart

To create a custom URL for adding a grouped product to the cart in WooCommerce, you will need to retrieve the Grouped Product ID and the corresponding sub-product IDs. Let’s take an example:


In this scenario, the Grouped Product ID is 9876, and we are adding 3 units of the product with ID 5432 and 2 units of the product with ID 6543.

It’s important to remember that if you wish to add “zero” as the quantity for any of the sub-products, you still need to specify it explicitly. For instance, to add zero units of the product with ID 6543, you would simply use &quantity[6543]=0 in the URL.

Just ensure to replace “yourwebsite.com” with your actual domain name and adjust the product and quantity values based on your specific products and requirements.

And there you have it! By harnessing the power of custom WooCommerce Add to Cart URLs, you can significantly enhance the shopping experience on your WordPress website. Whether you’re a small local business selling a few items online or a large e-commerce store, custom checkout URLs empower you to create seamless customer journeys, increase conversions, and provide a user-friendly buying process that keeps your customers coming back.

What’s your experience with WordPress and WooCommerce? Have you used custom URLs on your website to enhance the checkout flow? Let me know in the comments below!

Generating leads is like trying to catch fish in the vast ocean of potential customers. With so many strategies available, it’s easy to feel like a small fish in a big pond. But fear not, we’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the top five lead generation strategies that will help you cast your net wide and reel in those valuable leads. These are tried and tested methods that have been proven to work time and time again, so you can be confident that your marketing efforts will be well-spent!

So, grab your fishing rod, and let’s get started!

Offer high-quality content

One of the most effective lead generation strategies is to offer high-quality content that speaks to your target audience. This can include blog posts, e-books, whitepapers, and videos. Not only does it help you establish yourself as a trustworthy and credible source, but it also provides real value to your target audience. It’s the ultimate win-win situation!

By offering content that truly resonates with your audience, you can build a relationship with them that goes beyond just trying to sell them something. So don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with different types of content – you never know what might just be the key to unlocking a flood of new leads!

Utilise social media

Social media platforms have revolutionised the way businesses approach lead generation. They offer a unique opportunity to interact with your target audience in real-time and create a strong online presence. Through social media, you can connect with your potential leads on a personal level, build trust, and establish a sense of community around your brand.

But it’s not just about posting regularly and hoping for the best. You need to create content that is both eye-catching and engaging. Use visuals such as images, infographics, and videos to make your content more shareable and appealing. This can help you stand out from the crowd and capture the attention of potential leads.

Moreover, social media advertising is a powerful tool for generating leads. With advanced targeting options, you can reach your ideal audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviour. This means you can put your content in front of people who are more likely to be interested in your product or service, resulting in more qualified leads.

Leverage email marketing

When it comes to lead generation strategies, email marketing is like a trusty old friend. It may not be the latest and greatest technology, but it consistently delivers results.  Email is a daily habit for most people, which makes it a powerful channel for reaching potential customers. By crafting personalised and targeted email campaigns, you can speak directly to your audience’s pain points and desires, and provide them with the solutions they need. And if you’re worried about getting lost in the sea of spam, fear not – by segmenting your email list and tailoring your messages to each subscriber’s interests and behaviours, you can ensure that your emails are both relevant and valuable to your audience.

Discover the top five proven Lead Generation Strategies that can drive real results for your business here in this article!

Utilise search engine optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of optimising your website’s content. Moreover, it is also a structure to rank higher in search engine results pages. When was the last time you Googled something? Chances are, it wasn’t too long ago. And when you did, did you scroll past the first page of results? Probably not. That’s why search engine optimization (SEO) is so important for generating leads. By optimising your website’s content and structure, you can improve your chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages. This also helps you attract more qualified leads to your website. And with the right keywords, meta descriptions, and backlinks, you can increase your website’s visibility. In addition, this can attract leads who are actively searching for products or services like yours. Plus, by focusing on local SEO tactics, you can attract leads from your immediate area, helping to drive foot traffic and increase sales.

Implement lead magnets

Lead magnets are like a magnet that attracts potential leads to your business, providing them with a taste of the value that your brand can offer. It’s like giving them a sneak peek into what you have to offer, without asking for a commitment in return. Offering a lead magnet can be a powerful way to differentiate yourself from your competitors and incentivize potential leads to engage with your brand. In addition, you can gather valuable contact information that can be used to nurture leads and turn them into loyal customers.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, generating leads is essential for any business looking to grow and succeed. By utilising these five proven strategies, you can attract more qualified leads, establish yourself as a thought leader, and ultimately drive more sales and revenue for your business. Remember, lead generation is an ongoing process, so continue to evaluate and optimise your strategies to ensure maximum results.

Ready to reel in more valuable leads for your business? Contact Done Digital today and let us help you achieve your business goals! Don’t wait – get in touch with us now and start your digital transformation!

From user-friendliness and SEO features to mobile responsiveness and cost-effectiveness, see why millions choose WordPress Website!

If you’re running a business, having a website is no longer a luxury but a necessity. In today’s digital age, having an online presence is crucial for businesses to reach potential customers and compete in the market. While there are many website builders available, WordPress stands out as the most popular platform for building websites.

Here are seven reasons why you need a WordPress website for your business:

User-Friendly and Easy to Use

One of the biggest advantages of using WordPress is that it’s user-friendly and easy to use. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned web developer, WordPress provides an intuitive interface that is easy to navigate. With its drag-and-drop functionality, you can easily create pages, add content, and customise your site without the need for coding knowledge. This means you can create a professional-looking website without spending a lot of money on web development services.

Wide Range of Themes and Plugins

WordPress provides a wide range of themes and plugins that can help you create a unique and functional website. Themes determine the look and feel of your site, while plugins add functionality to your site. With over 50,000 plugins available, you can easily add features like contact forms, social media sharing buttons, and even eCommerce functionality to your site. This flexibility makes WordPress a great choice for businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Friendly

WordPress is designed with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind. It comes with built-in SEO features that can help you improve your website’s visibility in search engines like Google. You can easily optimise your website’s title tags, meta descriptions, and URLs, as well as add alt text to your images. Additionally, there are several SEO plugins available for WordPress, such as Yoast SEO, that can help you optimise your content and improve your search engine rankings.

From user-friendliness and SEO features to mobile responsiveness and cost-effectiveness, see why millions choose WordPress Website!

Responsive Design

With more people accessing the internet on mobile devices, having a website that is responsive and mobile-friendly is crucial. WordPress provides a responsive design that automatically adjusts your website’s layout to fit different screen sizes. This means your website will look great on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. With a responsive design, you can ensure that your website is accessible to a wider audience and improve your user experience.

Security and Regular Updates

WordPress is known for its security features and regular updates. WordPress provides regular updates to fix bugs and security issues, as well as add new features and functionality. This ensures that your website is always up-to-date and secure. Additionally, WordPress has a large community of developers who constantly monitor the platform and develop plugins and themes to enhance security and performance.

Scalability and Flexibility

As your business grows, your website needs may change. WordPress provides scalability and flexibility to accommodate your changing needs. With its vast library of themes and plugins, you can easily add new features and functionality to your website without the need for a complete redesign. Additionally, WordPress can handle high traffic volumes, making it a great choice for businesses that are looking to scale.


Finally, WordPress is a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes. WordPress is free to use and open-source, which means you don’t have to pay any licensing fees to use it. While there may be some costs associated with themes, plugins, and web hosting, these costs are typically lower than the costs of building a custom website from scratch.

Final Thoughts

A website is an essential tool for any business looking to establish an online presence and attract new customers. With its user-friendly interface, customizable design options, SEO-friendliness, mobile responsiveness, and social media integration, WordPress offers everything you need to create a professional website that will help your business grow.

The benefits of using WordPress are clear, and the platform is a popular choice for businesses of all sizes. If you haven’t already, consider making the switch to WordPress for your business website and start reaping the rewards today. With the right strategy and approach, you can create a WordPress website that will help your business thrive in today’s digital age.

Ready to take your digital presence to the next level? Contact Done Digital today and let our expert team help you achieve your digital marketing goals!

As a small business owner, one of the biggest challenges you face is pricing your products or services. You want to be competitive, but at the same time, you need to make a profit. Having the right pricing strategy can be a delicate balance, and many entrepreneurs end up charging too little for fear of losing customers. However, underpricing can be just as damaging to your business as overpricing.

In this article, we’ll discuss five signs that you’re not charging enough for your products or services and why you should consider raising your prices.

1. You’re Struggling to Make a Profit

If you’re working hard and putting in long hours but still struggling to make a profit, it’s a sign that you’re not charging enough. Your costs and expenses are likely exceeding your revenue, leaving you with little to no profit. Raising your prices can help you increase your profit margin and keep your business sustainable.

2. Your Customers Are Surprised by Your Prices

If your customers are constantly surprised by your prices and commenting on how affordable they are, it’s a sign that you’re not charging enough. While it may seem like a good thing that your prices are lower than your competitors, it can actually be a red flag to customers. They may question the quality of your products or services and wonder why you’re charging so little. Being the cheapest isn’t always a great idea. Rather than offering the lowest prices, try to add more value instead to differentiate yourself from your competition.

3. You’re Attracting Price-Sensitive Customers

If you find that your customers are very price-sensitive and are always looking for discounts or negotiating prices, it’s a sign that you’re not charging enough. Price-sensitive customers are often the hardest to please and may not be the best fit for your business. By raising your prices, you can attract customers who are willing to pay for quality products or services.

4. You’re Struggling to Keep Up with Demand

If you’re struggling to keep up with demand for your products or services, it’s a sign that you’re not charging enough. High demand for your business is a good thing, but it can also be a signal that you’re not charging what your products or services are worth. Raising your prices can help you control demand and ensure that you’re providing quality products or services.

5. You’re Not Keeping Up with Inflation

If you haven’t raised your prices in years and haven’t taken inflation into account, it’s a sign that you’re not charging enough. Inflation causes prices to rise over time, and if you’re not adjusting your prices accordingly, you’re essentially losing money. Raising your prices to keep up with inflation is essential to maintaining your profit margins. Make sure to keep an eye on your competitors and the prices they charge. Then adjust your pricing strategy accordingly.

Pricing Strategy: Frequently updating your pricing to reflect the market is an important part to sustainable business growth.

Why You Should Reconsider Your Pricing Strategy And Frequently Raise Your Prices

We get it. As a small business owner, it can be nerve-wracking to consider raising your prices. You might worry about losing customers, or you might not feel confident in the value you provide. However, it’s important to remember that having the right pricing strategy is vital to keeping your business sustainable and profitable in the long term. Here are a few reasons why you should consider raising your prices every now and again:

Increased Profit Margin

Raising your prices means you can increase your profit margin, which is essential to keeping your business sustainable. A higher profit margin means you’ll have more money to invest in your business, such as improving your products or services, hiring more staff, or expanding your marketing efforts

Improved Perceived Value

Raising your prices can improve the perceived value of your products or services. Customers often associate higher prices with higher quality, and by raising your prices, you can position yourself as a premium provider in your market. This can help attract customers who are willing to pay more for quality products or services.

Better Customer Fit

By raising your prices, you can attract customers who are willing to pay for quality products or services. These customers are often more loyal, less price-sensitive, and more likely to refer others to your business. Raising your prices can help you attract the right type of customer and build long-lasting relationships.

Increased Confidence

Raising your prices can also increase your confidence in your products or services. When you charge what your products or services are worth, it shows that you have confidence in your business and believe in the value you provide. This confidence can be contagious and can help attract more customers to your business.

Better Positioning

Raising your prices can help position you as a leader in your market. By charging more than your competitors, you can differentiate yourself and stand out in a crowded market. This can help you attract customers who are looking for the best products or services in your industry. Charging more also allows you to add more value to your products or services. Try adding something that nobody else is offering.

To bring it all together, charging too little for your products or services can be just as damaging to your business as overpricing. If you’re experiencing any of the five signs we discussed, it’s time to reconsider your pricing strategy. By doing so, you can increase your profit margin, improve your perceived value, attract better customers, increase your confidence, and better position yourself in your market. So don’t be afraid to charge what your products or services are worth – it’s a necessary step to keep your business sustainable and profitable.

Work With Our Team of Brisbane Marketing Experts

At Done Digital, we help small business owners implement an automated marketing strategy that is designed for sustainable long-term growth. Our approach typically involves a combination of website optimisation, SEO, lead capture strategy, email marketing, and content strategy. By automating these processes, we can help you save time, increase efficiency, and generate consistent leads for your business.

We understand that every business is unique, which is why we tailor our strategies to meet your specific needs and goals. To learn more about how we can help your business grow, book a free strategy call with one of our marketing consultants today. We’ll work with you to develop a customised plan that fits your business and drives sustainable long-term growth.


Do you ever find yourself wondering how you can get more local customers through your doors? Or perhaps you’re scratching your head, trying to figure out how to outrank your competitors in local search results? Well, you’ve landed in the right place. Enter the world of Local SEO (that’s Search Engine Optimisation, if you are unfamiliar with the term).

And don’t worry; we’ll keep things jargon-free and easy to understand while sharing some professional insights to help you become a local legend in your neighbourhood. Ready to get started? Then let’s dive right in!

1. Make Your Google Business Profile Shine

First things first: have you claimed your Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business Listing)? If not, stop everything and do that right now. Seriously, it’s that important. And if you have, give yourself a pat on the back, and let’s make it shine.

Ensure your listing contains accurate and up-to-date information, such as your business name, address, phone number, and website address. Add a captivating description and some high-quality photos to showcase your business. Finally, don’t forget to choose the right categories – it helps Google understand what you’re all about.

2. Reviews, Reviews, Reviews!

Have you ever chosen a restaurant, hair salon, or mechanic based on online reviews? Of course, you have – we all have. That’s why gathering positive reviews for your small business is essential.

Ask your happy customers to leave reviews on Google, Facebook, and other relevant platforms. And when you get them, don’t just bask in the warm glow of their praise. Respond to each review – yes, even the negative ones – with professionalism, gratitude and compassion. Actually, especially the negative ones! People will often forgive a negative review, but they won’t forgive how you, as the business owner, responded to it.

Oh, speaking of reviews, check out some of ours here.

3. Localise Your Website Content

Is your website content tailored for your local audience? If not, you could be missing out on some serious local SEO mojo. Make sure your website content reflects your location, using local keywords and phrases naturally throughout the text.

For example, if you run a bakery in Brisbane, you might mention that you’re “the best bakery in Brisbane’s CBD” or that you offer “delicious sourdough bread for Brisbanites.” You get the idea.

Just don’t overdo it. Websites written solely for search engines is so 90’s! (Best Brisbane Bread in Brisbane’s Best Bakery Near Me, anyone?)

Local SEO simply means optimising your website for local search results for improved visibility in your local area.

Local SEO simply means optimising your website for local search results for improved visibility in your local area.

4. Build Local Links

Link building is a crucial component of SEO, and for local SEO, it’s all about getting links from reputable local sources. Think local news sites, blogs, and business directories and, of course, other local businesses.

How do you get these valuable local links? Start by reaching out to local bloggers or journalists and offering them an interesting story or exclusive content. Join local business associations and participate in community events. The more you engage with your local community, the more likely you are to build those valuable local links.

5. Don’t Ignore Social Media When Thinking of Local SEO

You might be thinking, “Hold on – I thought this was about SEO?” Well, it is, but hear us out: social media can indirectly impact your local SEO efforts.

Regularly engaging with your local audience on social media platforms helps build brand awareness and customer loyalty. Plus, it encourages people to visit your website or leave reviews, all of which can positively impact your local search rankings. Hint: Share a link to a different page of your website every week.

6. Optimise Your Website for Mobile – That’s Local SEO, Too!

Did you know that a significant portion of local searches happens on mobile devices? That’s why having a mobile-friendly website is crucial for local SEO success.

Make sure your site is responsive, loads quickly, and offers an excellent user experience on all devices. Trust us; your customers – and search engines – will thank you.

7. Keep an Eye on the Competition

Finally, it’s essential to keep an eye on what your local competitors are doing. What keywords are they targeting? Which websites are linking to them? Can you spot any gaps in their strategy that you could use to get the local advantage? By analysing your competitors, you can identify opportunities to improve your own local SEO efforts.

Take the time to research their online presence, content, and backlinks. This will help you discover new ideas and tactics that could boost your visibility in local search results. Remember, knowledge is power, and staying ahead of the competition is a surefire way to maximise your local impact.

There you have it – seven essential local SEO strategies that can help your small business stand out in the local search landscape. By putting these tactics into action, you’ll be well on your way to becoming the go-to business in your area.

Remember, local SEO is an ongoing process, not a one-and-done affair. Keep refining your strategies, engaging with your audience, and staying informed about the latest trends and best practices.

Now, it’s time for you to get out there and make some local SEO magic happen. Good luck, and may the (local) search engine gods be ever in your favour!

Need Local SEO? We Know Someone…

At Done Digital, we do Local SEO well. Take Rhina, for example, owner of The Eyebrow Specialist, who now ranks #1 for “Eyebrow Lamination Brisbane“.

Or Vanessa, owner of V-Hub Dance, a local dance studio in Fortitude Valley, who ranked top of Google for “Hip Hop Classes Brisbane” just 2 months after working with us.

And then there is Star, founder of Superstar Attraction, Sydney’s top-rated eyelash salon, who now ranks #1 for “Before & After Eyelash Extensions Sydney” and many other popular keywords.

But… it’s not about them, it’s about your business!

The point is, we know a thing or two about Local SEO because it’s what we do every day. And we absolutely love it!

So, if you want your business to rank top of Google in order to increase your traffic, leads and sales, give Done Digital a call. We love to help!

Why would you want to transform your digital marketing? Digital marketing is a super dynamic field. It changes at a meteoric pace. Many businesses struggle to keep up with and adapt to these fast changes. It is important, especially for marketers, to always be on the lookout for the next wave of changes and not settle for old ways of doing business.

Your current strategy may require a few tweaks from time to time to improve the results it offers. A few tweaks rather than a massive overhaul is often all it takes to take your campaign to whole new level. Here is a list of five tweaks worth implementing to transform your digital marketing.

1. Integrating Data Into All Your Marketing Decisions

Stop all digital marketing (and any other form of marketing) that is not data-driven. Business owners who continue marketing while ignoring data stand a high chance of heading into a storm of failure. Any content that you develop devoid of data will not produce the desired results either. Make sure you know exactly how much of your budget you are putting into a campaign and what you get out. Track everything!

2. SEO Should Remain a Priority

You will hear all manner of things regarding SEO. For example, some will tell you it’s dying, if not dead already. Well, you have a choice to make here. Either you believe them or you don’t. We would rather you continue prioritizing SEO though. Learn to prioritize SEO.

SEO isn’t a new concept. It’s critical to developing a highly effective digital marketing strategy. Good SEO helps ensures all your content is getting the attention it deserves. More quality traffic will result in more business.

3. Personalising Your Customer Experience

In many industries today, customers are demonstrating a bias towards companies that offer them personalised experiences. It’s not surprising that our lifestyle and interests often determine the choices we make. A highly intuitive group of marketers is necessary to map out and develop this kind of customer experience. Use tools like email automation, Messenger Marketing and other platforms that allow for action-based communication to create a personalised buying journey for each of your customers.

4. Making The Most of Your Website

Your website, if done well, can be one of the biggest assets in your business. Make sure the content on your website is of high quality, engaging and current, so visitors spend more time engaging with it. Make it easy for people to share your ideas using social sharing tools.

Ensure your website is capable of capturing leads by providing additional value to people who opt-in. Opt-in popups are a great way to capture engaged visitors.

Make your website responsive! In 2018, more than 80% of people visit a website on a mobile device. Failing to have a responsive website will not only result in lost visitors, but in lost business opportunities, too.

5. Improve Your Email Campaigns

A well-designed digital marketing strategy always incorporates email campaigns. Emails are not new tools in marketing. Since we already established that the world has moved on, we also have to change how we carry out our email campaigns.

How To Improve Your Email Campaigns:

  1. provide your customers with more value and content they will actually love
  2. being concise by passing the right message at the right time
  3. making the Calls to Action clear while creating a sense of urgency
  4. be consistent with your sending frequency, tone of voice, design and core message

Embrace segmentation and personalisation when developing your email marketing campaigns.

In fact, marketing automation often results in a drastic improvement of the email campaigns I run for my clients.

What are some tweaks that you have used in the past to improve the results and transform your digital marketing campaigns? Let me know in the comments below!



To help you with claiming and setting up your Google My Business listing, we have created 3 short videos to walk you through the entire process.

Important: If you haven’t downloaded the free step-by-step PDF guide to go with these videos, click here to download it now.

1/3 – How To Claim & Verify Your Google My Business Listing

Claiming your listing is necessary to control and complete the information that is displayed when people search for you online. Complete and verified listings always rank higher than non-verified or incomplete listings.

2/3 – Categorising Your Business For Increased Visibility

Choosing the right categories for your Google My Business listing is crucial to ensure that it shows up when people search for your business on Google. In this video, we walk you through the exact steps to properly categorise your business and maximise your exposure.

3/3 – Posts, Messages & Insights Explained

Learn about the importance of posts, messages and insights to maximise your business’ exposure on Google.