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Unlocking the 5 Benefits of Marketing Automation for Small Businesses

Marketing is an essential component of any business, especially for small businesses. It’s vital to reach out to potential customers, build brand awareness, and maintain customer relationships. However, marketing can be a time-consuming and expensive process. Small businesses often have limited resources and must optimise their marketing efforts to get the most out of them. This is where marketing automation comes in! Marketing automation for small businesses helps automate repetitive marketing tasks, save time, and improve efficiency.

Marketing automation is a process of using software tools to automate repetitive marketing tasks and workflows, such as sending emails, managing social media posts, lead generation, lead scoring, and customer segmentation. It’s a way to streamline and simplify marketing efforts while ensuring that the right message is delivered to the right person at the right time. Here are the five benefits of marketing automation:

Increased Productivity and Efficiency

Marketing automation tools can help small businesses save time by automating repetitive tasks such as email marketing, social media posting, and lead nurturing. These tools enable businesses to focus on other essential aspects of their business, such as product development, customer service, and sales.

With marketing automation, businesses can set up email campaigns, social media posts, and other marketing activities in advance. This means that they can schedule these tasks to run automatically, even when they’re not in the office. This increases efficiency and productivity, allowing small businesses to achieve more in less time.

In addition to saving time, marketing automation can also improve the effectiveness of small business marketing efforts. By collecting data on customer behaviour, preferences, and interests, these tools can help businesses tailor their marketing campaigns to better meet their customers’ needs. This means that businesses can deliver the right message to the right customer at the right time, increasing the likelihood of a successful sale.

Unlocking the 5 Benefits of Marketing Automation for Small Businesses

Improved Customer Engagement

Marketing automation tools can help small businesses engage with their customers more effectively. These tools allow businesses to segment their audience based on demographics, behaviour, and other factors. This helps businesses to create targeted campaigns that resonate with their audience, improving engagement rates.

Marketing automation tools can also help businesses nurture leads and build relationships with their customers. By sending personalised emails and messages, businesses can keep their customers engaged and informed about their products and services.

Furthermore, marketing automation tools can help small businesses stay top-of-mind with their customers by sending relevant and timely content. This content can be based on the customer’s interests, past interactions, and preferences. By consistently delivering valuable content, businesses can establish themselves as a trusted source of information, which can lead to increased brand loyalty and customer retention.

In addition, marketing automation tools can provide valuable insights into customer behaviour and engagement. By tracking metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, businesses can gain a better understanding of what works and what doesn’t in their marketing efforts. This information can then be used to make data-driven decisions and improve future marketing campaigns.

Better Lead Management

Marketing automation tools can help small businesses manage their leads more effectively. These tools allow businesses to track leads through the sales funnel, from initial contact to final sale. By monitoring customer behaviour and engagement, businesses can identify the most promising leads and prioritise their efforts accordingly.

Marketing automation tools can also help businesses qualify leads by scoring them based on their behaviour and engagement. This enables businesses to focus on the most qualified leads, increasing their chances of conversion.

Moreover, marketing automation tools can provide valuable insights into customer behaviour and preferences. By analysing data from various sources such as social media, website analytics, and email campaigns, businesses can gain a better understanding of their customers’ needs and interests. This information can then be used to create targeted campaigns that are more likely to resonate with their audience.

Increased Revenue

Marketing automation can help small businesses increase their revenue by improving their marketing efforts. By automating marketing tasks, businesses can save time and money, allowing them to focus on other revenue-generating activities.

Marketing automation can also help businesses identify new opportunities for revenue growth. By analysing customer behaviour and engagement, businesses can identify new products or services that their customers might be interested in.

Furthermore, marketing automation can also help small businesses improve their customer retention rates. By sending personalised messages and offers to their customers, businesses can create a sense of loyalty and foster long-term relationships. This can lead to repeat business, positive reviews, and referrals, all of which can contribute to a business’s revenue growth.

Enhanced Analytics and Reporting

Marketing automation tools provide small businesses with advanced analytics and reporting capabilities. These tools enable businesses to track the performance of their marketing campaigns and identify areas for improvement. By analysing data such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, businesses can optimise their campaigns for better results.

Marketing automation also provides businesses with real-time data, allowing them to make informed decisions about their marketing strategies. This helps businesses stay ahead of the competition and achieve their marketing goals.

Additionally, marketing automation tools can help small businesses with forecasting and predicting future trends. By analysing past data and trends, these tools can provide valuable insights into the future performance of marketing campaigns. This allows businesses to make informed decisions about their marketing budgets, resources, and strategies.


Marketing automation is a powerful tool for small businesses. By automating repetitive marketing tasks, businesses can save time, improve efficiency, and focus on other essential aspects of their business. Marketing automation also helps businesses engage with their customers more effectively, manage their leads better, increase revenue, and enhance their analytics and reporting capabilities. With the right marketing automation tools, small businesses can unlock the full potential of their marketing efforts and achieve their business goals.

Looking to take your digital marketing to the next level? Contact Done Digital today to see how our team of experts can help your business grow and thrive online. Don’t wait, schedule a consultation now and let’s start achieving your digital marketing goals together!

Every business owner wants their business to thrive. But to Improve your business, you can’t just rely on sheer luck. There are certain fundamentals of running a business that simply can’t be skipped. Here are a few changes you can make to running your business to dramatically improve performance and push you to the top of the pack.

1. Giving Back to Improve Your Business

While this may sound a little counterintuitive, one thing you can do to improve your business is to give back. Ensure you have a life mission reflecting your need to make a difference in the lives of others. Money should not be the main motivation because it’s usually a non-monetary purpose that will help you keep going during challenging times and bring you the self-satisfaction, and happiness that you are looking for. Giving back to your local community will also increase support for your business. What are some ways in which you can give back? Can you contribute to a good cause? Donate products or services? Provide guidance to other local businesses?

2. Practice Physical Activity

This may not seem business-related, however, engaging in physical activity is one of the best ways to improve your quality of sleep, boost brain chemistry, become more creative, and clear your mind. It also helps to boost your longevity, happiness, and health. This will have a direct effect on how you think and operate your business, so you can be more productive in growing your business.

3. Self-coaching

When we think of coaching, we usually think of being coached by someone else. But becoming your own coach and maintaining a positive inner dialogue can be one of the most significant changes you’ll ever make in your life. It’s easy to slip into negative self-talk and go down the slippery slope of self-blame and self-pity. But if we want our business to be successful, then we need to develop a positive outlook on things, become our own best friend and coach ourselves through the tough times.

4. Be Willing to Do What It Takes

True success rarely comes without sacrifices. So, make it a habit to show up every day. Commit to the long haul and be willing to devote your energy and time to work toward your goals. Identify time-consuming distractions that take your focus away from your business and life. Do at least one thing every day to move you closer to your goals. Of course, in order to do so, we need to first get clear on what our goals are. Click here to learn how to write a business vision to gain clarity and motivation.

5. Love What You Do

I’ve found that the most successful business owners I work with have dedicated their lives and businesses to what they do best and love most. As a result, they create wonderful businesses that bring joy and add value to their customers. Are you creating a business that you truly love or are you merely focused on making an income? The good news is, it’s possible to do both!

6. Start a Journal

Another thing you can do to improve your business is to start journaling. Regularly write down your thoughts and ideas, so you can translate them into tangible form. Writing offers us a different perspective on our desires, our current state, our goals and helps us reflect on our mistakes. Don’t just get busy going down the wrong path. Make time to reflect and redirect your efforts to ensure you arrive at a place you actually love.

7. Improve your Business by Making Lists

Lists are amazing. They help us capture goals we want to accomplish and stay on track when we feel a little lost. Learn to work with different lists for the upcoming day, week, month, and year. Be sure to prioritise the items on your lists, so you can allocate your time and effort to what’s most important to you at any given time. When we write down our dreams and desires we turn them into goals, which significantly increases our chances of actually achieving them.

8. Learn to Listen

Listening is an important skill in business. Whether it’s our customers, partners or the people we work with, actively listening will offer us a deeper understanding to ultimately make better decisions. Regularly collect honest customer feedback to truly understand their needs and tweak your business accordingly. Learn to use their language, rather than jargon. No one wants to buy from someone they don’t understand.

9. Practice Clearing Your Mind

As business owners, we often have to wear multiple hats, which can become quite overwhelming at times. It’s important to make time to clear our minds every now and then to stay focused. Learn to make quick decisions that are conclusive to avoid cluttering your mind with unfinished business. The habit of constantly delaying our decision-making can have a huge impact on our well-being. While it may not always possible, try to make it a habit to never leave work without a clear mind. Lots of small unfinished decisions can quickly build up and prevent us from focusing our energy and headspace on the truly important ones.

10. Find Ways to Leverage Your Time

Lastly, find ways to make better use of your own time. Just because you do something better than anyone else, it doesn’t mean that it’s the best use of your time. Today, many business and marketing processes can be completely automated. In his book The Four Hour Work Week, Tim Ferris suggests we delegate any tasks we can to free up our own time and headspace. But before delegating any tasks, we should see if it’s possible to automate them instead. Automation allows us to save vast amounts of time and significantly reduce operating costs. Automation not only helps us simplify running our business but also be more profitable.

As a marketing consultant, I help business owners to automate all of their marketing activities, so they can focus on running their business without worrying about where new customers are going to come from. If you would like to have a chat about how you can grow your business faster and more effectively, book a free strategy call with me here.

You might or might not be aware of the mistakes you’re making with digital marketing. It takes a lot of effort and time to make digital marketing produce the desired results. It is not limited to marketing automation software or apps. Digital marketing comes with a unique set of technologies and, most importantly, a great strategy. When you are lacking the right strategy, however, it has several pitfalls and it’s easy to make fatal mistakes that can cost you your business.

Here are four of the most common mistakes business owners are making with digital marketing.

1. Failure to identify a target audience

My business cannot prosper if I fail to identify the customers I wish to target with my products and services. Marketing must always take place with the customer in mind. I must identify and define my customers. I must know who they are. The advice I give to my fellow business owners is to put all digital marketing campaigns on hold until we have a clear idea of the type of customer we want to serve.

Start by studying the audience before formulating a campaign based on their behavior.

2. Lack of marketing strategy

Nothing ever happens consistently and successfully without a strategy in place. Marketing, whether digital or traditional, needs good strategies in place to produce the results the business owner or marketer envisions. In my time, I have seen several tactics and techniques used instead of the solid and reliable strategies. A strategy should come before any tactic or technique. Strategy always shines the light on the path threatened by “darkness” and “uncertainties.”

3. Ignoring mobile

Any form of marketing carried out in the 21st Century that doesn’t consider mobile is set to be a massive flop. Marketing that does not take a mobile-first strategy cannot go far. Ignoring mobile means discriminating against possibly 50% of the customers who keep the business running. Mobile optimization is essential for marketing. Ignore mobile and forget about conversions. Neglect mobile and even great content will not help.

Use this guide to develop a mobile digital marketing campaign.

4. Saying No to SEO

One of the mistakes you’re making with digital marketing is saying no to SEO.It is here to stay. Search engines still believe in SEO and so should we. Digital marketing requires the use of tools such as websites. E-commerce would not happen without websites. A business needs a solid and competitive online presence to be successful. That presence is impossible to create while ignoring SEO and thinking that it is dead. SEO is essential for building and maintaining a healthy presence online.

Avoid ignoring conversion optimisation either.

Avoid implementing too many tactics. Instead, use 1-2 tactics at a time and ensure you can track your results.

Know what your target audience wants.

Know where you can find you target audience.

Adopt strategies for reaching your ideal customers by delivering value.

I hope these points will help you avoid some of the mistakes you’re making with your digital marketing. Have you learned any other valuable lessons in the process of running your business? Let me know in the comments below.

To your success,



If you pay attention to entrepreneurial culture, you may start to notice a few daily trends among successful entrepreneurs. You may not be the ‘waking up at 4 a.m.’ type of entrepreneur but you may learn a thing or two from them. Below are some things smart entrepreneurs do on a daily basis.

1. They Plan Their Day

When you venture into the entrepreneurial life after working a 9 to 5, you will have so much time on your hands that you will not know what to do with it, literally. Instead of spending your newfound free time on Netflix, you should be growing your business. Successful entrepreneurs plan their days out so they know what needs to be done at what time to optimize their time. This is considered as the top thing smart entrepreneurs do on a daily basis.

2. They Take Time Off To Recharge

You may think that as an entrepreneur, there is no time to waste on rest but you need to know when to take a break. There is a difference between working effectively and working. Successful entrepreneurs usually have a strict work schedule, but they also have time off from their work and it does not eat into their work. You can switch off from work to help you find happiness in other things aside from work. Also, ensure you get enough rest or take time from work so you can recharge and get a new perspective on things. 

3. Smart Entrepreneurs Focus On Self-Development

Successful, smart entrepreneurs also use methods like coaching, mentoring, workshops, courses, audiobooks, and podcasts to enhance self-development. You need to keep learning in order to continue growing. Once you become an entrepreneur, invest in self-development and your own education. It helps you learn more about business and become more self-aware so you can grow professionally and personally. 

The fastest way to learn is to connect with other entrepreneurs who have already done what you are trying to achieve. Join a network of like-minded business owners to connect with and learn from others.

3. Smart Entrepreneurs Outsource 

You will get to a point in your business where you will feel the need to start outsourcing tasks because you are tired and cannot grow, but worried about making enough money to cover outsourcing. This is the ideal time to start. Successful entrepreneurs have admitted that outsourcing to experts was a turning point for their business allowing faster growth and bringing in more income than before.

4. They Have A Way Of Keeping Up with Their Inbox 

Outsource your inbox or schedule time to check emails and respond to them to avoid becoming a slave to it. Smart entrepreneurs turn off email notifications to resist the urge to keep checking each one as it comes in. 

5. Healthy Entrepreneurs Maintain Proper Nutrition

You can easily slip in this department as an entrepreneur because you may become caught up in your daily activities and end up eating a couple of snacks throughout the day. This also boils down to planning your day; schedule eating times and go as far as planning your meals and preparing them in advance.

6. They Take Time for Themselves

Everyone needs to take time for themselves regardless of how many hours he or she works or sleeps. Successful entrepreneurs schedule time for themselves for quiet time to meditate or read a book. You may also need to be away physically once in a while for a holiday; make sure you schedule it in so it does not clash with your business activities. 

7. They Use Time Chunking To Be More Productive

The idea here is that a task can take as long as the amount of time you have allocated to complete it. Schedule a specific amount of time to complete a specific task and you will be able to complete multiple tasks without procrastinating and with laser focus. Successful entrepreneurs have attributed this method to their increased productivity.

What’s something that you do regularly to stay on track and up your productivity? Let me know in the comments below!